Life of Pi


After much prayer and help, I landed a teaching job in August! I am absolutely loving being an English teacher; it feeds my love of books! This should explain the lack of posts… but to make it up to you, I’d like to do another book review :)

Life of Pi by Yann Martel

Genre- fiction, world lit., philosophical

Age Recommendation- 13 and up

Summary- This is a story about a boy and his faith. Pi lives in India with his family. His father owns and runs the town zoo. He finds faith at an early age in a unique way. This faith is tested beyond all measure when his family moves from India to Canada. To move with all the animals, they must go by ship. A terrible storm sinks the ship and Pi ends up on a raft with Richard Parker for 227 days. It is a journey of imagination, survival, animal instinct, the food chain, and most of all faith. For a full summary, click here.

Why I love it- I love this book because it challenges you to look at God in a new way. Pi does not put God in the box I typically do. Through Pi’s eyes, you see the beauty and terror of life, along with the blessing of trusting God through all of it. I also love that you get to choose which story you believe to be the true story (this doesn’t make sense if you haven’t read it, but I don’t want to spoil anything!). I also learned a ton about zoo keeping in the process; it was incredibly fascinating.

I have no idea how the book will translate into a movie, but we’ll see! I’m sure I’ll offer an opinion when the time comes. Before you see the movie though, read the book :)

About LifeinToyLand

I'm Casey. I'm a twenty-something who is a total nerd and a lover of life. That love includes, but is not limited too: -books -food -family and friends -sleeping late -hot tea -comfy sweats -beautiful shoes -music -crafting/sewing/diy I'm married to a wonderful man, Jason. He's a youth minister, which makes me a minister's wife :) We live far from our family, which makes me sad sometimes, but our goal is follow God, not ourselves. I gave my life to Christ as a child and He has been my strength ever since. I strive to live a life that reflects His ever giving love. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

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