Monthly Archives: February 2012

To be or not to be content…


I’ve been thinking about contentedness a lot lately. Most of the time when the word content is brought up, I think of stuff/things. But I’m not pondering being content with the things in my life. I’m thinking about being content with myself.

I have spent my ENTIRE life struggling with the way I look. I used to get majorly upset about my hair if it didn’t lay just right, starting at the ripe old age of 5 (or around there- all through elementary school). When I hit puberty, it went down hill. I got hips, boobs, and the weight to go along with it. The lack of male interest seemed to scream into my ear: “YOU’RE FAT AND UGLY!! NO ONE WILL LOVE YOU!!!!!” I spent all of high school dealing with self-hatred.

The thing is, I was taught to hate myself. Our culture reminds us on a daily basis that we need to be tan, thin, pimple free, have ample breasts with no stomach fat, a big round butt with no thigh jiggle or cellulite, and voluminous hair. Sounds super doable, right? I think the movie Mean Girls sums it up for me. The main girl Cady (just moved to USA from Africa) goes to a girl’s house from school. The other girls immediately approach the mirror and begin saying things like, “I hate my man shoulders,” “I have huge pores,” “My nail beds suck,” etc. etc.  Then they turn to Cady and expectantly look at her, waiting for her to chime in with her flaws. These girls complaining are supposed to be the most beautiful girls in school. If the most beautiful girls still hate the way they look, then I surely must. It is simply expected for us to hate at least one part of ourselves.

Well, I’m taking a stand. I was “fearfully, and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14) by the Creator of all things. I am enough. My body is beautiful because it was created with a purpose- “to do the good works prepared in advance for me to do” (Eph. 2:10). So here I am, telling you that I am going to be content. Because I want to teach the girls in my youth group that they are beautiful. Because I want to teach my daughters one day that they are beautiful.

So here I am, 5’6″ and 135lbs. My thighs touch. My butt has cellulite. My upper arm continues to wave after my hand stops. I have a perpetual pooch on my lower abdomen. I can’t get tan to save my life. And I am beautiful. If others don’t see my outside as beautiful, that’s ok. Maybe they will let me show them that God has made my insides beautiful too.


I vow not to complain about the way I look. I will not be so vain that I can’t share pictures that aren’t the most flattering (hence the sunburned frog pic above). I will not grumble about the body God made me, the one that works so well. I will model to every girl around me, that being content with the way I look is not ego or pride, it’s simply a choice. I choose to believe that the God who made the universe knew what He was doing when He put me together too. I choose to be content with my body, my face, my beauty. I hope you can be too.

Little Valentine’s Gifts part 2


In case you missed the first post, I’ve been giving Jason one little gift everyday since Feb. 1 (with a cheesy saying) to lead up to Valentine’s Day. Here’s the rest of the gifts I gave Jason!!

Feb. 9- pen “You’re just write for me”

Feb. 10- rolos “I like the way you roll”

Feb. 11- hot wheel car “I wheelie like you”









Jason with his car :)









Feb. 12- pop rocks “You rock my world”

Feb. 13- highlighters “You are the highlight of my life”












Feb. 14- itunes gift card ((within a card I made him)) “You are the song in my heart”






















I adore my husband. I am so blessed to have married my best friend!! I love getting to show him through these little gifts how much I care about him. In honor of this day celebrating love, here is one of my favorite pictures from our engagement shots. Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!!!

Valentine Cards

Valentine Cards

Here are the cards I’ve been making for Valentine’s Day!!! Most of them are already in the mail :)





Card 1- blank on the inside









Card 2- blank on the inside









Card 3- outside then inside

















Card 4- blank on the inside











Here’s a group shot :)


Little Valentine’s Gifts


This year for Valentine’s Day, I decided to give my husband a little gift every day starting February 1. I thought it might be more fun that way. Mainly because I love getting and giving gifts :) I got some ideas from Pinterest and then just walked some stores to get inspiration. I’ve done a VERY bad job taking pictures, so there’s only a few, but you get the idea. Each gift comes with an extremely cheesy saying… Enjoy.

Feb. 1- Trident Gum (waiting in his truck) with note saying “I chews you”

Feb. 2- Lucky Charms (on kitchen table) “I’m lucky I’m in love with my best friend”

Feb.3- A foam sword (from the dollar section at Target) “You rrrrr my favorite, matey” ((This was a favorite of his))









Feb. 4- Glow Sticks (on top of wallet) “You make my heart glow”











Feb. 5- Reeses King size (on his pillow) “You’re the king of my heart”

Feb. 6- Loofa (on his bathroom stuff) “I loofa you a lot”

Feb. 7- Crazy Straw (in sonic drink brought to him at work) “I’m crazy about you”

Feb. 8- Mixed nuts (given to him with a kiss) “I’m nuts about you”


















I’ll finish sharing the rest of the gifts after I’ve given them!! I LOVE Valentine’s Day- even all those holidays I spent with no date/boyfriend. How can you not be excited for a day that’s all about celebrating the people you love in your life. I intend to send my valentine’s cards to everyone I love tomorrow or Friday :) It’s so important to tell the people in our lives how much they mean to us! I hope you tell some one today.

Chicken Packets

Chicken Packets

Here is another FAVORITE recipe!! I got this one from my Mom :)





Chicken Packets

You will need:

-2 cups cooked chicken chopped (2-3 breasts)

-1 8oz pkg of cream cheese

-1 TBS chives

-2 TBS milk

-2 pkg. crescent rolls

-butter (about 3-6 tbs)

-seasoned bread crumbs or crouton crumbs










Set your oven to 350.

Make the filling in a mixing bowl. Combine the chicken, cream cheese, milk, and chives. Mix until evenly combined. ((It helps to cook your chicken right before hand, cut while still warm, then put immediately into the bowl- it helps to soften the cream cheese. I also take my cream cheese out of the fridge about 30min before I mix.)









Open your crescent rolls and form rectangles using two of them. Fill one side of the rectangle with filling.











Then pinch shut, creating a packet.











Place about 1 1/2 cups of crumbs in a bowl. Melt the butter into another bowl. Roll each packet in the butter, then the crumbs, coating the packet thoroughly.










Place packets on a cookie sheet (I like to cover mine in foil so there’s no mess). Bake at 350 for 20min.











Voila!! Enjoy!!

Birthday Cards!!


I showed you the birthday present I made for my friend Meg. But as I made her a birthday card, I got in the birthday-card-making-mood :) So here are some of the cards I’ve been making lately. All of them are birthday cards!!

Card 1: outside









and inside of Card 1









Card 2: outside, blank on the inside









Card 3: outside









And inside the card









Card 4: outside


















Card 5: outside, blank on the inside









Card 6: outside, blank on the inside









Card 7 (specifically made for my friend Joel): outside, blank on the inside

The stamp reads: age is merely the number of year the world has been enjoying you









I love card making and I’m sure I’ll show you more cards throughout this year!!