Monthly Archives: June 2012




My husband and I just celebrated our 2yr anniversary. We got married in the summer, knowing that for the rest of our lives we would probably not have the chance to celebrate on that day (he’s a youth minister and summer is busy time!). That is true again this year, as we were at camp on our anniversary. But I’m ok with this! I love that we get to share in this ministry together; it is an amazing blessing.

I’m not a relationship expert. Jason and I are flying by the seat of our pants :) But I thought I’d maybe put down some of the things I’ve learned in the past two years, in case it’s helpful to anyone else. So here is goes…

The Things That Make (our) Marriage Great:

– Sharing interests. We don’t actually share a lot of interests. I read and he loves all things sports. But we’ve both made efforts to be at least more knowledgeable in our spouses favorite activities. Jason listens attentively as I explain what I love about my current read and I sit down to watch an NBA game with him. So far he’s not reading any more, but I’ve actually grown to enjoy the NBA (he’s got years to go before I’ll sit down to watch baseball on tv… boring). Go Nuggets!!!

– Explain yourself. When I’m upset at him, I explain it to him. Explain why I’m hurt, what exactly happened, and what the other factors were that made my reaction what it was. He can’t read my mind. He doesn’t want to hurt me and if I take the time to open up to him, he is always lovingly accepting and apologetic. It makes us closer and makes me feel less isolated. (Cause when I’m upset, I feel very alone.) This is something I’ve had to practice (it did not come naturally). It was something that Jason actually requested of me to work on, for his sake.

-Don’t Just Tell Them, Show Them. I need to hear the words “I love you,” “You’re beautiful,” “I want you.” But I don’t just need to hear it, I need to have it shown to me. When he walks by me and runs his hand across my back, or kisses me on the forehead when he thinks I did something cute, or helps me with the dishes, or surprises me with a new book :) To know that he’s thinking of me and loving me means so much and I try to do the same for him!

-Pray Together. Nothing reveals your hearts more than praying together. Praying is a very intimate and vulnerable experience. Coming before God’s throne together is a must!

I’m sure there are many other things. And we don’t always follow this advice, but those are things that have helped us the most. I am so so so thankful for my best friend, my love, my husband. Happy 2 years!!